A New Year’s view of at-risk audio formats

This article was first written in January 2015, with minor revisions in 2018. The revisions made in 2024 are highlighted, like this line. The deletions are struck through.

There are many factors that affect the ability of people like us to digitize tapes for you, our clients.

One of the most difficult issues to balance is the physical space that different formats take up, the ongoing maintenance of these formats, and, to be brutally honest, their return on investment.

What we discovered is that some of the machines we were archiving for future use would not work when they were brought out of storage. Rubber parts, capacitors, and lubrication are probably the most prevalent causes of failure. We have said to clients more than once (with a wry smile), “Yes we can probably restore your tape, but first we need to restore a machine.”

Manufacturer and maintenance depot support for various formats is waning or fully discontinued. Parts are hard to come by, and good machinists with an interest in doing this are either non-existent or very expensive.

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Brief report on how the new camera outfit worked after three weeks of photographing on Maui

Thanks to all who read my previous post on rationalizing my camera system. It worked like a charm. The 70-200 f/4 and TC20Eiii converter make an excellent telephoto that focuses quickly (with the range limter, especially) and the 16-85 is a step up from the 18-200. The whole trip was a good time for Mary Beth and me to relax and I had a fantastic time with the photography. For more details and some fairly high resolution images, continue reading. _RLH1216-3

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Taming Windows 10 File Explorer

Here, now you can have the benefit of a day’s research and tweaking.

Windows 10 File Explorer provides vast quantities of information that can, at times, be overwhelming.

My goal here was to simplify the interface and provide only what I needed. There was lots of good help on the Web and many options. This is what I decided to do, at least for my five machines. Fortunately, much of this is the same from Windows 7 and Windows 8.1, so there is lots of documentation out there, but it’s not all in one place. Here’s my attempt. I WILL BE USING REGISTRY MODIFICATIONS. IF YOU ARE NOT COMFORTABLE DOING THIS, THEN DO NOT DO IT. Make a backup. There are other ways of making things work if you wish to take a different approach, but I will leave that exercise to you. YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN. I cannot help you if things go awry. I have tested this on two desktops.

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