St. Thomas Church New York City
Chancel Organ Specification as of 1978
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This information comes from the specification published on Organs of New
York, Vol 1.
The Official St. Thomas Organs Page
The Chancel Organ of St. Thomas Church was originally built in 1913 by the E.M.
Skinner Company of Boston. In 1956, G. Donald Harrison, then president of the
Aeolian-Skinner Company of Boston, built a new instrument incorporating much of the
original pipework. Most recently [as of 1978] G.F. Adams, Inc, of New York City
repaired and rebuilt portions of the organ in the years 1967-1970. [A major rebuild
took place in 1996.] The photo is one I took, ©1978 Richard L. Hess.
III Cymbale
IV Fourniture
2' Blockflöte
3-1/5' Tierce
4' Flûte
4' Super Octave
4-4/7' Grosse Septieme
5-1/3' Quinte
6-2/5' Grosse Tierce
8' Gedeckt
8' Octave
8' Spitzflöte
10-2/3' Grosse Quinte
16' Bourdon
16' (Great) Bourdon
16' Contrebasse
16' Principal
32' Bourdon
32' Contrabasse
4' Rohr Schalmel
4' Clarion
8' Trompette
16' Bombarde
16' Posaune
32' Bombarde
III Cymbale
IV Fourniture
1-3/8' Tierce
2' Doublette
2' Octavin
2-2/3' Nasard
4' Flûte à fuseau
4' Fugara
4' Prestant
4' Dulciana
4' Unda Maris
8' Bourdon
8' Flûte douce
8' Flûte céleste
8' Flûte harmonique
8' Principal
8' Viole de gambe
8' Vox céleste
16' Bourdon
4' Clarion
8' Hautbois
8' Trompette
8' Voix humaine
16' Bombarde Tremblant
Grand Choeur
IV Cymbale
IV Fourniture
V Grand Cornet
2' Doublette
2-2/7' Séptiéme
2-2/3' Quinte
3-1/5' Grosse Tierce
4' Prestant
5-1/3' Gross Quinte
8' Bourdon
8' Montre
16' Montre
32' Principal
4' Clarion
8' Trompette
8' Trompette - en - chamade
16' Bombarde
IV Scharf
V-VII Mixture
2' Octave
2-2/3' Quinte
4' Octave
4' Rohrflöte
8' Flûte harmonique
8' Gedeckt
8' Principal
8' Violincelle
16' Bourdon
16' Principal
III Cymbale
IV Fourniture
1' Piccolo
1-1/7' Séptiéme
1-1/3' Larigot
1-3/5' Tierve
2' Doublette
2' Quarte
2-2/3' Nasard
4' Cor de nuit
4' Prestant
8' Bourdon
8' Montre
16' Quintaton
4' Clarion
8' Clarinette
8' Cromorne
8' Trompette
16' Basson
IV Scharf
V Cornet de Recit
1' Schwegel
1-1/3' Quinte
1-3/5' Terz
2' Blockflöte
2' Octave
2-2/3' Quinte
4' Koppelflöte
4' Principal
8' Dulciana
8' Gedeckt
8' Spritzprincipal
8' Viole
8' Vox humaine
16' Rankett
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©1997, 1998 Richard L. Hess All Rights Reserved