
This site is arranged in a hierarchy that permits drilling down to find out more about a particular type of media record. Some paths are deeper than others. See “formats & resources” listing at the right. The top-level categories are based on the fundamental means of recording:

        Magnetic (tapes, films, wires, disks, belts)

        Magneto-Optical (disks, Minidiscs)

        Mechanical (cylinder, disk, and belt recordings; automated instruments)

        Optical (optical discs, film)

Resources are listed in the sidebar at the right as are the groupings of formats.

Other resources on this site
Check the sidebar to the right
        Check the site map page

Return to the following main pages:
        tape restoration
        site home
To return to this page: click on Media Formats & Resources on the top bar or the formats page in the sidebar.